2 Days
Whether your new to Whitewater Canoeing or looking to blow the cobwebs off and rediscover the great sport. This course will meet your needs!
While not only learning some exciting new skill and fundamental techniques, you could be taking in some great scenery from the water, this could be the rolling hills of Derbyshire, sandstone cliffs in the lake district, and the only accessible areas by boat of the tees!
Each advertised course will vary in location and the advertisement will state area.
To get the most from this course we would expect that you do already canoe on flat water with maybe some touring experience with decent control and its not your first time in a boat,
Kit you will need to bring:
Canoe suitable for Whitewater
Buoyancy aid suitable for white water
Suitable Helmet
Appropriate Paddling clothing (wetsuit/dry suit or splits ideally)
Appropriate footwear (wet shoes)
***Please get in touch if you need any of the kit above as we can hire at a small charge***
All under 18's must be accompanied by a legal guardian.
This course is aimed at paddlers wanting to experience moving water or those who have paddled rivers graded 1-2 who are wishing to solidify their paddling skills.
Please note the price does not include:
Parking Fees